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The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945
Rick Atkinson

The Turkish Gambit (Erast Fandorin Mysteries)

The Turkish Gambit - Boris Akunin, Andrew Bromfield The Turkish Gambit is the second novel in Russian author Boris Ankunin's series featuring military detective Erast Fandorin. Set in 1877 during the Russian war with the Ottoman Empire, Fandorin must discover the culprit responsible for sabotaging the Russian Army's battle plans even before they can launch an attack. Fandorin's investigation is further complicated by his rescue of the beautiful revolutionary (or at least she thinks so)Varya Suvorova, and whose fiance is the only suspect in the case.

This is historical fiction at its finest. Like Patrick Obrien's Jack Aubrey series, Ankunin writes in the omniscient third person, a form of narration not used much by contemporary writers but which is perfect for this period setting. Ankunin maintains mystery and suspense with red herrings, duels over honor, and good characterization. Credit must also be given to Andrew Bromfield who translated The Turkish Gambit from the original Russian to English.

If you're a fan of Patrick Obrien, as I am, you'll enjoy The Turkish Gambit.